ND Compass Workshops for Professionals
The ND Compass offers a structured yet flexible approach to working with complex couples, guiding them through a stabilization-to-transformation process that honors both relational and internal differentiation.
The Outer Ring: Creating Stability for Relational Work
The Outer Ring establishes a safe, structured frame where relational therapy can unfold. It does this by deploying four core processes:
✔ Education – Building a shared understanding of neuro-type and partnership dynamics
✔ Liberating Structures – Creating sustainable relationship rituals and communication templates
✔ Differentiation of SELF and OTHER – Strengthening individual identities within the relationship
✔ Autonomic Wellness – Addressing compassionate nervous system support, foundational to relational change
Beyond stabilization, the Outer Ring also introduces key concepts (“seed-planting”) that couples can return to if they choose to move into deeper Inner Ring work.
The Inner Rings: From Regulation to Transformation
The Inner Rings build on the safety, language, and relational patterns established in the Outer Ring. At this stage, couples shift from focusing on regulation to exploring their internal landscapes—examining the trailheads that emerge during system activation.
Here, Internal Family Systems (IFS) principles become central. Couples begin to transfer their ability to listen and respond differently to each other into an internal dialogue with their own parts. This deepens inner SELF-parts differentiation, fostering internal attachment and SELF-leadership.
As couples integrate this work, they often experience:
✔ Deeper intimacy and vulnerability
✔ A shift from co-regulation of the body, to SELF - part healing and unburdening of somatic struggle
✔ Healing legacy burdens in areas like sexual expression and relational witnessing
Adjunct Client Support
Maintain the ongoing relationship and treatment plan with your client and refer them to the ND Partner Institute for 6-8 adjunct sessions or 2-3 Intensive Sessions.
-Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
-ND Compass Outer Ring Skills Acquisition
-NOSC Work
This work is hard! Reach out for collegial sharing of methods and support in processing, conceptualizing, and revitalizing

The ND Compass was the first thing that actually worked for us. I wish we had known about it years ago. I finally feel like myself and am no longer in the role I felt locked-into of being the “reactive, miserable one”
- Neurotypical Partner